三沐手工皂 紫草太乙舒膚皂

NT$ 290.00



│精  油│薰衣草、洋甘菊。

│用  途│清潔身體/臉部
│批  號│依包裝標示
│重  量│100g以上

│產  地│台灣

Carefully selected high-quality mild vegetable oil
It is necessary to wait patiently for the oil that has been soaked in comfrey for three months
to make mild handmade soap
Comfrey Taiyi is the crystallization of the wisdom of our ancestors
Let you enjoy the bath time comfortably

Sanmu's comfrey taiyi soaking oil has been soaked for more than three months
The color of each batch of comfrey taiyi soothing soap is different
The white spots on the soap body in Figure 4 are normal fading of the color of comfrey

│Main ingredients│Palm kernel oil, palm oil, sesame oil (soaked comfrey taiyi).
│Essential Oil│Lavender, Chamomile.
│All ingredients│Please refer to the instructions on the box.

│Usage│Cleaning the body/face
│How to use│Wash and lather to cleanse body/face
│Preservation │Store in a cool place, avoid sunlight
│Date of manufacture│Marked on the packaging
│Shelf life│Eighteen months after the date of manufacture
│Lot No.│Marked on the packaging
│Weight│100g or more

│Origin │Taiwan
│Manufacturer│Samu Studio
 1. The product is handmade, and the weight, shape and color of each piece are different.
 2. Handmade soap is a mild and natural cleaning product and has no curative effect.
 3. Before use, test the skin inside the arm, and use it without allergic reaction.
 4. The product contains plant essential oils. Children under the age of two, pregnant women, and patients with fava bean disease should use it with caution after consulting a doctor.